Haustferð Betadeildar til Möðruvalla 2010
- 26 stk.
- 22.09.2010
All photos are published with permission from the participants and the photographers.
Skoða myndirAll photos are published with permission from the participants and the photographers.
Skoða myndirAll photos are published with permission from the participants and the photographers.
Skoða myndirBarbara Whiting frá Minneapolis sem var formaður Leadership Committee hjá alþjóðasamtökunum 2008-2010 kom til Íslands og hélt leiðtoganámskeið fyrir landssambandið í september 2010. Í þeirri ferð heimsótti hún einnig Akureyri en Anna Þóra Baldursdóttir var Evrópufulltrúi nefndarinnar þetta tímabil.
Skoða myndirAll photos are published with permission from the participants and the photographers.
Skoða myndirAll photos are published with permission from the participants and the photographers.
Skoða myndirAll photos are published with permission from the participants and the photographers.
Skoða myndirAll photos are published with permission from the participants and the photographers.
Skoða myndirAll photos are published with permission from the participants and the photographers.
Skoða myndirAll photos are published with permission from the participants and the photographers.
Skoða myndirAll photos are published with permission from the participants and the photographers.
Skoða myndirAll photos are published with permission from the participants and the photographers.
Skoða myndir