Fleiri hótelherbergi til reiðu vegna alþjóðasambandsþingsins í New York

Eftirfarandi tilkynning barst frá Kate York vegna hótelrýmis í New York á þinginu í sumar: Dear All I have just had a telephone call from Corlea Plowman in Austin, Texas. DKG has negotiated an extra 50 rooms to be added to the block reserved for our members at the Sheraton (the Convention hotel). They are Queen and King doubles.  Please, if you know of members planning to go to New York in July who haven’t yet booked hotel rooms, encourage them to be quick and make reservations as soon as they can. You could forward the following message:
To make a reservation, go to the home page of the main DKG website (www.dkg.org ). From there, click on Events at the top of the page, then look for the link to Conventions and click on itThe last step is to go to the link on the right hand side of the page which appears, called Hotel reservations are open and click on it. That takes you straight to the booking page of the hotel. Make sure you state that the booking is for DKG. I hope this will be helpful.

All best wishes, Kate