Kveðja frá Evrópuforseta

Marika ávarpar vorþingið á Ísafirði
Marika ávarpar vorþingið á Ísafirði
Okkur var að berast þakkarbréf frá Mariku Evrópuforseta að loknu vorþinginu. Gefum henni orðið: Dear Gudbjörg and DKG members in Island, kæru systur, Sitting on the plane to Austin I am reflecting the past days spent in your uniquely beautiful country.

I had a wonderful time and thank you, Gugga, for inviting me to your state meeting and giving me the opportunity to get to know more members. It has been an honour and great pleasure to be able to attend the meeting in Isafjordur which had been well organized and offered learning from interesting speeches, interspersed by listening to the young boy playing the piano so well and to the young lady singing so beautifully.

Takk, takk, Jóna and members of Yota chapter for organizing the meeting with so many surprises for all of us: the excellent venue, the variety of topics presented by excellent speakers, the sightseeing tour through Isafjordur, the reception at the former hospital, the dinner with the best fish, the music performed by the young ladies.

Takk, takk for welcoming me in your homes, Gudbjörg and Oddgeir, and Sigga Ragna and Hakon, providing nice soft beds, great food and interesting conversations.

Takk, takk, Gugga,  for taking the time to go to the Blue Lagoon with me and  showing me around the peninsula including the view of the gap between the tectonic plates dividing the European and the American continent.

Takk, takk, Sigrún and Hulda, for spending the morning pointing out to many interesting things and visiting the Duus Museum with the awesome birthday table created by the children of your area.

Takk, takk, Gugga, for taking me to Isafjordur to the nice hotel with an all night view of the snow capped mountains – for showing me special places in Reykjavik on returning.

Takk, takk, young members, for the interesting conversations and for taking me out to listen and dance to Jonsi´s songs.

Takk, takk, Sigga for giving me the opportunity to meet with Aslaug and Sjöfn, and enjoy the good conversations along with Gugga.

Takk, takk, Ingibjörg, for translating at the conference and showing me around Reykjavik, especially the awesome Harpa, the beautiful sculpture garden and lunch in the greenhouse before taking me to the airport.

Takk, takk, for the beautiful gifts which I will cherish.

My visit was a memorable experience, your hospitality and generosity are much appreciated.

Og „Rúsínan i pylsuendanum“ - your commitment to DKG is awesome. The spirit I felt among you all is very inspiring and I look forward to meeting you again in the future.

Bless, bless,
