Skráningarblöð fyrir Baden–Baden komin á vefinn

Eftirfarandi póstur var að berast í tengslum við Evrópuráðstefnuna í Baden–Baden: The March/April Regional editions of DKG NEWS have been uploaded to the main DKG website. Go to >Library>click the box for DKG NEWS.  The Europe edition contains the forms for registration, college accommodation, tours, and details of all block-booked hotels.  All bookings should be made electronically. 

The interactive registration form which was uploaded to the main DKG website on Friday (via the Europe Regional link at the bottom of the DKG website home page) has been temporarily removed for some fine-tuning of the information applicable to European bookings by credit card, but should be back online within the next day or two.

Accommodation at the conference venue (Sportschule Steinbach) is being released to DKG in two ‘blocks’ – some is available from Sunday 31st July, with the remainder becoming available from Wednesday 3rd August.  There are now very few  single rooms at the college available before 3rd August, and only a limited number of twin rooms.  Availability from 3rd August onwards is currently good.

Members wishing (or needing) to arrive before Wednesday 3rd August are therefore advised that they may need to arrange to stay in one of the block-booked hotels for nights before 3rd August.  Thereafter, the options are either to stick with a  hotel booking throughout the conference, or to transfer to the college for 3rd August onwards.  If people wish to check the current availability before filling in an accommodation form, they are advised to email Gisela von Engelhardt (Conference Registrar) at  to enquire about the situation.