Voðaverkin í Connecticut

Voðaverkin sem framin voru í Sandy Hooks barnaskólanum í Newtown, Connecticut í Bandaríkjunum hafa varla farið fram hjá neinum. Forseti Evrópuforum, Marika Heimbach, sendi eftirfarandi bréf fyrir okkar hönd til Marnee Straiton, landsambandsforseta í Connecticut:   

„Please accept  our deepest sympathy upon the loss of lives at the Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut. Our hearts are breaking for the poor bereaved families, and we share their grief.  The tragedy is beyond imagination, and we feel terrible about the news that reach us here in Europe. The teachers, and the deceased teachers and principal, were heroic, in their actions that saved lives of the innocent children.  Our prayers go out to those who work in the school, to the community, and to our sisters in Connecticut who suffer this great loss. 
Blessings upon you all“!

Eftirfarandi svar barst frá Marnee:

„Thank you for your prayers and kind thoughts. Please continue to pray for us as we go through these most difficult times. Our hearts are broken“

Þess má geta að hægt er að senda samúðarkveðjur til skólasamfélagsins í Connecticut í gegnum vef kennarasambandsins þar, sem er á slóðinni: http://aftct.org/